[Essay] How to Rescue a Skate
[Essay] Sea Change by Sarah Das Gupta
[Essay] Excerpts from Homage to Green Tea
[Prose Poem] At the Mansplainers Anonymous Meeting by Jamie Brisick
[Essay] Pancake Fantasy by Lev Raphael
[Essay] Fifteen Neologisms Yet to Be
[Essay] Shape of the Waves: Revolutionizing Surfboard Manufacturing for a Greener Tomorrow
[Nonfiction] Bird Here Now
[Nonfiction] Four Micro Pieces by Kevin Browne
[Essay] If it be Your Will
[Essay] Waking to the Wild
[Essay] On the Edge
[Essay] Eureka in the Ozarks: A Blanchard Springs Caverns Excursion
[Essay] Moxi Mama
[Essay] Working Retail. Drunk.
[Essay] Hemingway's House
[Essay] The Caguama
[Essay] Strokes
[Essay] Land's-End Eye to Sacrality
[Wanderlust] Snorkeling Turks and Caicos: Under the Sea