Why Support Kelp?
We Pay
All contributors to Kelp Books' surf noir anthologies and Kelp Journal's issues.
We value your creative work. We are authors too.
Donate now so we can pay it forward some more.
We Pay
Our editors work hard reading over 300 submissions every issue and each issue the number of submissions grows higher than your TBR pile.
Help us pay them for their time, effort, and copious amount of coffee.
Kelp Journal's bi-annual issues are free online to read. AND we also have free content available year-round on The Wave, our multi-media blog.
We want to continue to make great writing available to everyone. Contribute if you can.
INDIE Publishing
We're indie and we love it. We get to publish any and all the great writing we want to. Surf noir, yep. Poetry about the ocean, you betcha. Beginning craft advice, oh yeah.
Support us so we can do more.
How to support
Tax-deductible donation: if you donate through Fractured Atlas, our fiscal sponsor.*​
*Kelp is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Kelp must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.